ELIS, volume 4 (2016)
N°4 (Varia) – Overview
Ernest HOUNHOUAYENOU-TOFFA: Paradoxes of the Term, Unreality p.1The paradoxes of the term Unreality, p.1. [metadata can be viewed on HAL]
Pierre-Yves MODICOM: Syntax of the Adverbial Phrase and Predicative Structure of the German Proposition: a Functional Description, p. 23. [metadata can be viewed on HAL]
Marine ESPINAT: The Rhetoric of Terror after the Paris Terrorist Attacks: Reflections on the Emergence of Phrasemes, p.60. [metadata can be viewd on on HAL]
Solange ARBER: A « Linguistic » Novel? The Nouveau Roman in Light of its German Translations, p.90. [metadata can be viewed on HAL]
This issue is also available here: http://elis.hypotheses.org/461