ELIS, volume 1 (2013)

Dear readers,

The ELIS coordination team is very pleased to present the first issue of the journal of Paris-Sorbonne University young researchers in linguistics, which follows the Interlinguistic Dialogs project. After our call for papers, eleven high-quality papers by doctoral students and young PhD students were submitted to us. They present a wide range of doctoral research – in progress or recently completed – at Paris-Sorbonne. The variety of languages studied is representative of the diversity in our university: French (M. Conforti, M. Durain, C. Nuñez-Lagos), Spanish (M. Lavissière, M. Grégoire), German (M. Espinat), English (S. Béligon, Ch. Brasart), Russian (F. Burlot, T. Smirnova-Cotet, N. Baïandina-Soujaeff). But this list is already too schematic since some of these studies are contrastive (Ch. Brasart) or diachronic, which lead to comparisons (between French and Latin, between the various states of a language). We have, therefore, decided to classify the papers by fields of research.

Therefore you’ll find papers on historical Romance linguistics by M. Conforti on the influence of Latin on the verbal morphology of French and by M. Lavissière on the modal alternation in the hypothetical sentences in si in Medieval Castilian; as far as lexical morphology is concerned, N. BaÏandina-Soujaeff analysed several types of substantive formation in modern Russian and S. Béligon studied the semantic uniqueness of the prefix un- in English; at the junction between syntax and phraseology, Ch. Brasard studied code-switching between English and French and between German and English in order to challenge the grammatical “rules” of this intra- and intersentential switching, while M. Espinat drew linguistic conclusions from approaches to translating idioms when teaching a German-speaking audience; in semantics, F. Burlot tried to describe the way three position verbs work in Russian by analysing the common features in their respective uses, and C. Nuñez-Lagos examined the interpretative path to deciphering the metaphorical and non-compositional meaning of verbal phrases referring to the body; finally, in the field of stylistics and rhetoric, M. Durian analysed the opening and closing texts of Henri Michaux’s collection with regard to space, M. Grégoire looked into Spanish-speaking advertising slogans (Peru, Spain…) to try and find a sound-meaning coherence below the morpheme, which is reminiscent of Saussure’s anagrams, and finally, T. Smirnova-Cotet explored the continuities and ruptures in the tradition of slogan-making between Soviet and post-Soviet Russia.

We congratulate and thank the authors for their work and we hope our readers will enjoy discovering this research. The editorial board of the journal:

  • Antoine Aufray, project coordinator, reading committee
  • Sandra Barberie, reading committee (papers on Spanish and Russian)
  • Charles Brasart, writing and reading committee (papers on English and Russian)
  • Marielle Conforti, writing and reading committee (papers on French and stylistics and English)
  • Marine Espinat, writing and reading committee (especially papers on Spanish and French), layout
  • Michaël Grégoire, writing and reading committee (especially papers on French and Russian)
  • Carmen Nuñez-Lagos, writing and reading committee (papers on Spanish and Russian)
  • Sébastien Saudreau, reading committee (papers on Slavic languages, English), development of the style sheet and monitoring of page layout

The whole team: creation and implementation of the project

The journal’s e-mail address: revuelinguistiquesorbonne@gmail.com

Content of the 2013 issue

Historical linguistics

Conforti, Marielle, 2013. Influence of the Imperfect Subjunctive in Classical Latin on the -rais Form ; the Example of French during the Renaissance (De l’influence du subjonctif imparfait du latin classique sur la forme en -rais ; L’exemple du français à la Renaissance).  Digital paper

Lavissière, Mary C., 2013. Modal Alternation in the Protasis of the Hypotheses in si of the Fuero Juzgo. (L’alternance modale dans les protases des hypothèses en si du Fuero Juzgo). Digital paper


Baïandina-Soujaeff, Natalia, 2013. At the Crossroads of Three Paths of Word Formation: Substantives in <b, ez-…-,#j-(o)> in Modern Russian (Au carrefour de trois voies de formation de mots : les substantifs en <b,ez-…-,#j-(o)> en russe moderne).  Digital paper

Béligon, Stéphanie, 2013. The -un Prefix in English : a Semantic-Referential Characterisation (Le préfixe un– en anglais : une caractérisation sémantico-référentielle). Digital paper


Brasart, Charles, 2013. For a Comparison of Atypical Uses of Verbal Constructions among Bilingual English/French and English/German Speakers (Pour une comparaison des utilisations atypiques des constructions verbales chez les locuteurs bilingues anglais/français et anglais/allemand). Digital paper

Espinat, Marine, 2013. C’est là que la chaussure appuie: Didactic Aspects of Understanding and Translating Idioms (C’est là que la chaussure appuie : Aspects didactiques de la compréhension et traduction d’idiomes).  Digital paper

Discourse, Rhetoric, Pragmatics

Durain, Marc, 2013. Opening and Closing Texts in Henri Michaux’s La nuit remue: Bringing the Principle of Mobility into Play (Textes d’ouverture et de fermeture dans La nuit remue d’Henri Michaux : mises en jeu du principe de mobilité). Digital paper

Grégoire, Michaël, 2013. Submorphological Motivation in some Spanish Brand Names and Slogans (La motivation submorphologique de quelques noms de marques et slogans espagnols). Digital paper

Smirnova-Cotet, Tatiana, 2013. The Rhetoric of Post-Soviet Russian Advertising Slogans: Tradition or Innovation? (La rhétorique des slogans publicitaires russes postsoviétiques : tradition ou innovation ?). Digital paper